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The Accomplishments of Transocean

Major Services on Behalf of the United States Government

Major Services on Behalf of Commercial Aviation


  • Air Transport Command, two trips per day

  • California-Hawaii, eleven months


  • USN and CAA, operation Landing Aids Experiment Station, Arcata, California, three years

  • U.S. Army airlift, 750 military dependents Seattle-Tokyo

  • U.S. Army Engineers, 25,000-30,000 civilian defense workers transported to and from Pacific bases


  • U.S. Army, 2,700 military dependents Germany-United States

  • U.S. Army, 700 military dependents Seattle-Tokyo

  • International Refugee Organization of United Nations, 25,000 war refugees Munich to Caracas, Venezuela

  • USAF, 100 transatlantic flights, United States-Europe, in support of the Berlin Airlift

  • 150 C-46 aircraft ferry, United States-China

  • 13,000 International Refugee Organization evacuees from Shanghai


  • USN, weekly cargo flights Seattle-Adak, two years

  •  MATS, weekly cargo fights California-Orient, one year

  • USN, airlift and bush flying in Alaska, Petroleum No. 4 (PET 4) Project, two years

  • USAF, Korean airlift, 25-35 flights per month California-Tokyo, termination: February 1954


  • U.S. Army, movement of domestic military personnel, 1951-1957

  • USN and Interior Department, scheduled passenger, cargo, and mail flights throughout the Trust Territories, 1951 to July 1960

  • MATS, en route service to military transport aircraft at Wake Island


  •  USN, modifications and overhaul of R5C-1 aircraft (U.S. Navy model designation of a C-46 aircraft)


  • U.S. Army, 360 military dependents across the Pacific

  • U.S. Army, transportation of 3,400 military dependents Europe-United States, two months


  • U.S. Army, transportation of 3,000 military dependents Europe-United States, January/February

  • Completed 43 months of Korean Airlift, flew 17,750,489 aircraft miles, 92,035 aircraft hours, 13.7 hours average daily aircraft utilization

  • U.S. Army, transportation of 306 military dependents Europe-United States, six months

  •  USAF, miscellaneous flights, United States-Tokyo

  • MATS, 206 flights transporting 30,000 U. S. Army personnel and dependents across the Atlantic in a single month, believed a record for commercial airlines


  • MATS contract to service and maintain all MATS aircraft in transit at Transocean's Wake Island base


  • Established aircraft overhaul operation at Honolulu to aid Department of Defense. Contract, overhaul F-86 aircraft of Hawaii National Guard


  • Awarded six months contract by MATS to fly 190 tons of cargo per month route support Travis Air Force Base JapanTaloa Academy of Aeronautics awarded contract by the 6th Army to train Army pilots for instrument  ratings


  • Operation Quick-Trans, one-year DC-4 cargo operation between USAF Bases in the U.S.


  • AEMCO held one-year contract for supporting MATS trips out of Wake Island


  • California-Manila flight gave Philippines first postwar commercial air link with U.S. mainland

  • Contract with Philippine Air Lines to operate international service to the U.S. and Europe

  • Extended PAL California-Manila international service to Shanghai, re- establishing an important trade route to expedite recovery of the Philippines

  • Taloa Academy of Aeronautics established to meet GI and civilian need for airline pilot and air crew training


  • Established operations and maintenance base at Windsor Locks, Connecticut, to supply Oakland base, and expanded exploratory and supplementary commercial operations to Atlantic and Europe

  • Made emergency flights from California to London and Paris transporting food and clothing to the needy of Europe

  • Transported 600 college students from the U.S. to Europe and return on foreign vacation trips, the first transatlantic aircoach service

  • Transported 800 deep sea fishermen from California and Washington, to Naknek, Alaska


  • Transocean was the first airline to conceive of the idea and inaugurate California-Hawaii air tourist common carrier service. Later, other airlines and travel agencies also began booking group tours to the Hawaiian Islands

  • Pioneered mass air transportation of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims participating in the Moslem hajj traveling to Jeddah

  • Established operations and maintenance bases at Wake Island and Guam to handle its expanding commercial operations

  • Inaugurated twice weekly refugee service between  Rome and Caracas, Venezuela

  • Entered into interline traffic exchange and ticketing agreements with major U.S. and foreign scheduled air carriers Established Air Jordan-national carrier for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

  • Initial stage of Trust Territory operation to provide scheduled air service to the Marshall, Marianas, and Caroline Islands of the Pacific under the auspices of the United Nations and the Department of Interior.  Transocean continued to serve the people of Micronesia until 1960


  • Established division in the Middle East aimed to develop aviation in area

  • Contract to establish Pakistani domestic and  international airline services for Pak-Air, Ltd.

  • Expanded commercial operations in Pacific and Atlantic to 2,134,644 revenue miles, 60,504,124 passenger miles, and 752,032 cargo ton miles-72 percent of total operations for the year

  • First TAL aircraft encircled the globe in March 1949. On board were Orvis Nelson and a crew of eleven. Aircraft left Oakland, proceeded to Bradley Field, Gander, Shannon, Frankfurt, Rome, Damascus, Syria, Karachi, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Okinawa, Tokyo, Guam, Wake, Honolulu, and back to TAL headquarters at Oakland. Total flying time: 94 firs 55 min


  • Start of the Korean Airlift. Commercial operations limited to meet travel emergencies. 35 to 40 monthly California Japan flights, supplying 11 percent of the total lift provided by scheduled and irregular carriers combined


  • Korean Airlift continued occupying most of TAL capacity

  • Inauguration of domestic service in Japan for Japan Air Lines under joint contract with JAL and Northwest Airlines

  • Carried 1,500 fishermen from California to Alaska


  •  Korean Airlift continued. Commercial operations limited to special emergency flights

  • Later in year inaugurated U.S.-Europe cargo service under contract with Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS)

  • Modified and delivered a fleet of five DC-4 aircraft to Saudi Arabia, including one aircraft with a built-in throne for use of King Ibn Saud


  • With declining military airlift needs, TAL again focused attention on commercial services Inaugurated low-cost tour service U.S.-Hawaii

  • Contracted with government of Afghanistan to establish and operate commercial air service between Kabul and Cairo

  • Taloa Academy of Aeronautics trained twelve Japanese airmen for service on Japan's domestic airline

  • Contracted with Iranian government for management and operations of Iranian Air Lines


  • Inaugurated international service, Tokyo-San Francisco for Japan Air Lines

  • Taloa Academy of Aeronautics expanded commercial training of airmen to meet demand of returning Korean War GI's. In six years the school trained 1,400 students from ten nations

  • Research division developed system of external aircraft warning lights to meet air transportation industry emergency

  • Trained and licensed pilots for Lufthansa, the German airline

  • Contracted with United Air Lines for major overhaul of' DC-3 fleet, over 18 months

  • Designed and constructed DC-4 simulator for crew training, the first such safety device to be built by an airline

  • Thousands of monkeys carried from Manila and India to the U.S. in support of Anti-Polio Salk Vaccine Program


  • Taloa Academy of Aeronautics introduced new training courses to train private and executive pilots for winter flying 

  • Contract to supply navigators for Lufthansa's transatlantic service


  •  By its tenth birthday, Transocean had flown more than one billion passenger miles and eighty-five million cargo ton-miles

  • Taloa Academy of Aeronautics' DC-4 flight simulator used by MGM for the filming of scenes for Julie, starring Doris Day. The simulator was built by the company for its flight safety program and the cockpit interior was completely authentic

  • Renewed contract to provide airlift and mercy  service in the nearly 3,000,000 square mile Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, a service the company had rendered with distinction for the previous five years

  • August 1955 to August 1956, major overhaul  successfully completed on twenty-one United Air Lines DC-3s

  • Performed major reconstruction on the Braathens airline DC-4s and performed major overhaul of DC-4s for Thai Airways

  • Inaugurated Honolulu and Pacific Islands flights as a supplemental carrier in accordance with a  ublished schedule. (Transocean was the first airline to introduce the term supplemental, later adopted by the CAB which
    cynically spurned the very carrier that had generated the idea)


  •  Provided transatlantic services on the Hungarian Airlift and laid plans for tourist charter service to Europe

  • Established Orient tour program patterned after Honolulu tour operation


  • U.S. Army, 2,700 military dependents Germany-United States

  • U.S. Army, 700 military dependents Seattle-Tokyo

  • International Refugee Organization of United Nations, 25,000 war refugees Munich to Caracas, Venezuela

  • USAF, 100 transatlantic flights, United States-Europe, in support of the Berlin Airlift

  • 150 C-46 aircraft ferry, United States-China

  • 13,000 International Refugee Organization evacuees from Shanghai


  • Stratocruisers flew scheduled airline service Oakland-Honolulu-Wake-Guam-Okinawa


  •  Transocean employees at Guam continued the Trust Territory operation until the end of the contract in July 1960

  • Flight Enterprises, Inc., continued operations on the East coast until approximately 1963

  • Aircraft Engineering and Maintenance Company  continued operations under auspices of Atlas Corporation until 1964

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